Resulta que llevo una clase con diseñadores gráficos, y parte de esa clase era hacer un cartel en forma, y someterlo a alguna convocatoria para que alguien más "capacitado", por decirlo de algún modo, lo califique y así obtengamos una opinión del, mhhhh, llamémoslo convencionalmente mundo real.
Y ésta opinión fue que me merecía una Mención Honorífica. Oh, si. Mi opinión es que merecía ganar, pero bueno, esa siempre es mi opinión. Sigo sin saber que me van a dar por ser Mención Honorífica, pero espero que sea dinero, porque soy altamente materialista como cualquier estudiante que no tiene dinero.
He aquí el cartel mencionado honoríficamente

No sé si me vaya a meter en pedos porque ahora la imagen les pertenezca a los de la convocatoria, que son el H. Insituto Cultural de mi ciudad, pero mientras pues sigue siendo mi trabajo y lo puedo pegar en mi blog si quiero. Hmpf. Ah y todos los carteles tenían que decir "Leer Provoca". ¿Por qué? Ps porque es para que seamos bien creativos, porque el cartel es para la Feria Nacional del Libro (FeNaL)
Finalmente siempre es chido que te reconozcan tu trabajo. Y te infla el ego (más).
Y ya. Estoy bien contentilla. ¡¡¡Yay!!!
Aquí las bases a las que me tuve que someter, sólo por si les interesa mucho
Awesome! Just awesome! Congratulations, really!
Can I go on some criticisms? If I can't, skip the next paragraph and go straight to the last one!
I'm just not sure about the types, they just don't fit that much, the one on the top isn't quite readable (I first read "beer Provoca" but I'm no reference for anything but beauty contest... in which me wins!!!! Hahahahahahahahah) but I do like the better the one you used on the bottom, except how the 100% Fat Free is distributed. It could have gone a long, long way over the concept you utilized there. But I'm all about the picture, it's absolutely impressive! I mean, I really read "beer Provoca Hambre de Conocimiento" and I thought "Fuck, but it looks like a sandwich... Oh, hold, it's Leer.. Oh! Oh! Hambre de Conocimiento. Yummy!" and now I feel like finishing my Ham On The Rye (made by Bukowski) or having some Cheese Clockwork Orange (ouch!) or a Quarterback with Shining (ok, ok! I'll quit it now!).
Anyway, great job, alright!
Well, thank you!
I had actually recieved that comment on the font types already; comment that I decided to ignore cause on a 95 x 70 cm scale it is actually readable. Either that or it was me being stubborn.
Anyways, there's nothing I would be able (or willing) to change of it, and since you were not the judge I can feel free to ignore you as well. Jajajajaja. I guess that's why my fellow graphic designer classmates don't love me as they should. And maybe cause, I now make them call me "Miss IWonYou-Jah!" (that's asian... you know that languaje, asian, right?)
Take care
Well, it's a large printing so, I guess it should be fine. And it's funny cause you said "either that or it was me being stubborn". I mean, that's pretty possible anyway!
You can ignore me but you can't shut the voice of a country... C'mon!
PS: Maybe they don't love you as they should because you're an artist. I mean, when I was sixteen and I studied graphic design, my colleagues were all in art school already and the rest of the class was all 16-years-old-graphic-designer-kids and I didn't get along since I'm bitter and old. So, no matter what I've done, some teachers who didn't like me used to say "This is no design, it's art" and I was pretty mad about it. Now I kind understand it but I don't really see that much of trouble into mixing them up. I mean, for me design is an extension of art, it's not like a function-only-apart-thingy.
Still, great job.
Take care!
By the way, I really like the top. Is that an illustration of yours? And why "ANGEL"?
That's part of the cover of a 1921 design magazine called Wendingen, they used to do really amazing stuff, and it's a scan of a design book a friend lent me some while ago.
Call me stubborn but I followed a link and came here to this very post and read once again BEER PROVOCA.
And now I re read the comment and I think that even though the large print could help, I'd always read Beer provoca hambre de conocimiento. And the kind of knowledge that beer makes you hungry for is that kind of knowledge that makes you feel sorry on the next morning when you slept with some girl you really wasn't willing to but now you know her very well.
I still adore that picture, although.
What link did you follow that lead you here?
And yeah, I'd call you stubborn, cause it was around this time, a year ago, that you read "beer" for the first time. I get it now, not the best font choice ever; but still, there's nothing to do on that one-year-ago-winner...
And I never really slept with a girl I wasn't willing to (or any, for that matter) so I don't know.
Well, I saw this search engine that was supposed to be better than Google, called So, obviously, first I tried to see the references for my blog. Which lead to some unexpected results, with really low accuracy. So, next search, I tried my name (course!). And one of the references was to this very post. So, here I was. And here I was reading beer, once again. I even thought of a idiom based reading that could mostly exclude "beer" over "leer" but I guess that still, "beer" is not that unknown word (such as "unknown") and I thought that if it was in portuguese, I'd first go like "Ber causa fome de conhecimento?! What does that mean? Oh, it's 'Ler'... Well, that's a hell of a picture, though".
And yeah, there's nothing to do on that one-year-ago-winner, alright.
Well, beer never caused you to sleep with a boy you weren't willing to sleep with in the first place? Ever?
By the way. I just noticed that I'm not only stubborn but I'm egocentric as well. The first test search I do is for my blog and my name. What kind of person am I?
There's one single word in russian for that and that single word is: hot.
Or egocentric, in english.
That kindda search makes you a person with somehow narrow interests: you
And beer never did that to me. Beer is loyal. Tequila, vodka, whisky, even wine... those are traitor bastards. They do trick you into ending with people you weren't willing to. A lot. So beware...
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